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Providence Bears

About Us

The purpose of the Association shall be to create, sponsor, organize and support youth athletic programs in the Providence Elementary School district (and surrounding areas when applicable.)  In support of this purpose, it shall be the objective of the Association to implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, honesty, and loyalty as well as personal strength, courage and self-esteem by providing a well-supervised and well-organized program of athletic competition and associated events.  All agents, officers, coaches and employees of the Association will be expected to emphasize the well-being and instruction of the youth participants as the first and overriding priority taking into consideration the health, welfare, and ability of each individual.

PAA Bylaws

Providence Athletic Association BY-LAWS



The name of the corporation is the
hereafter referred to as the "Association."



The purpose of the Association shall be to create, sponsor, organize and support youth athletic programs in the Providence Elementary School district (and surrounding areas when applicable.) In support of this purpose, it shall be the objective of the Association to implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, honesty, and loyalty as well as personal strength, courage and self-esteem by providing a well-supervised and well-organized program of athletic competition and associated events. All agents, officers, coaches and employees of the Association will be expected to emphasize the well-being and instruction of the youth participants as the first and overriding priority taking into consideration the health, welfare, and ability of each individual.



Section A - Eligibility

  1. All parents or guardians of a child participating in programs sponsored by the Association are eligible for membership.

  2. Any persons with interest in support or service to the Association are eligible for membership.

  3. All memberships shall be "Family Memberships" and shall run for the calendar year. Membership Fee will first be paid with Spring Sports (to go into effect starting 2025)

  4. Eligibility is contingent on the proper payment of annual dues, individual sport participation fees, and lack of any outstanding debt, either monetary or material, to the Association.

Section B - Dues and Fees
  1. Initial membership dues will be set by the Association Organization Committee prior to the January 1990 organization meeting.

  2. Each subsequent year, the eligible membership of the Association shall approve any changes to the membership dues recommended by the Association's Executive Board.

  3.  Would like to raise the membership fee to $25. $20 will go towards cost of operation and the additional $5 increase will go towards ‘equipment usage’. These funds will be used to replace equipment as needed for all sports programs offered. The VP of Athletics will determine what equipment shall be purchased with Board approval. 
    (Added June 2024)

  4. Participation fees are to be set prior to the beginning of the registration for each individual sport activity by the Association's Executive Board.

  5. Participation fees are payable at the time of each sport registration unless specific arrangements are made with the individual sport Director. Otherwise, the youth shall not participate in any sport activities until payment or special arrangements are made.

  6. In regards to all sports sponsored by Providence Athletic Association, no refunds will be given beyond a specified date for said sport unless the withdrawal from participation is the result of an injury or illness of the child which prevents him/her from participating. However, refunds will be issued prior to the specified date but will be subject to a $10 processing fee. If any association member feels they are subject to an exemption from this rule, a request for a refund should be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors who will make the final decision regarding a refund at the next scheduled board meeting.
    (Added February 2004)

Section C – Registration

Each member of the Association shall complete a registration form annually and submit the form along with the annual payment of the membership dues. This registration form shall be the main tool of the Association by which it shall remain in contact with its members. It shall be the responsibility of each member to notify the Association in the event of a change of name, address, or phone number.

Section D – Payment Plan (Added June 2024)

  • Not eligible for either if you are in default

  • Anyone is eligible to have a payment plan, regardless of financial need

  • Payment plans must be requested at the time of registration using the payment plan request form

    • If there is no application within 24 hours, the family will be notified by the sport director via email with links included. 

    • The family will then have an additional 24 hours to apply.

    • If there is still no application, the sports director will email them a payment link and they will have 48 hours to pay the full sum due.

  • Payment plans are only available for registration fees. Uniform fees and PAA fees are not eligible and must be paid when notified.  

  • Once the payment plan request is received, the sports director will complete the payment plan agreement, and email to the family. 

  • The family will have 48 hours to return the signed agreement. 

    • If it is not returned within 48 hours, the family will be notified by the sport director with the agreement again

    • The family will then have an additional 24 hours to apply.

    • If it is still not returned, the sports director will email them a payment link and they will have 48 hours to pay the full sum due.

  • All payment plan payment must be made via the online payment system

  • If any payment is missed, the sports director will email a reminder with the payment link and the family will have 24 hours to make the payment

    • If the payment is still not made, the payment plan will be canceled

    • The sports director will email them a payment link with the remaining amount due and they will have 48 hours to pay the full sum due

Section E - Scholarship Eligibility (Added June 2024)

  • Families requesting scholarship will need to complete a form indicating the following:

    • Names of Players for that season

    • Sports and teams those players will be participating in

    • School the players attend

    • A statement of financial need

    • Families may, if they wish, submit documentation of financial assistance they are receiving from other sources (SSI, WIC, SNAP, etc). 

      • These documents will be shredded/deleted immediately after the scholarship review process

  • Scholarships will be awarded based on financial need

    • Financial need will be determined by the President of PAA, Vice President of Athletics, and the sports directors that season by reviewing the applications.

    • All families will be ranked by need. Then scholarships awarded in full to each family going down the list until all allocated funds for that season have been disbursed.

  • PAA  Vice President of Athletics will inform the PAA Treasurer of the families who will receive scholarships during a season. 

    • Treasurer will calculate final fees due for the families and communicate back to the Vice President of Athletics. 

    • Vice President of Athletics will communicate amounts due to the families. 

    • Treasurer will transfer total amount of scholarships to from the scholarship fund to the appropriate accounts (sport and/or general fund)

  • Scholarships will be awarded will not exceed the total fees due for a family

    • Families can get scholarships once per season

    • Families can apply the scholarship to PAA membership dues, sport registration fees, and uniform costs

    • The scholarship can be spread across multiple players in the same family

    • A family is defined as a group of children all related through at least one parent or guardian. Siblings of all kinds (full, half, step) count for the discount, cousins or other family members will not (unless they are under legal guardianship by the same person)

    • Scholarships can be combined with sibling discounts

    • Scholarships cannot be granted as a volunteer refund

      • If the family pays fees beyond the scholarship, these fees can be part of the volunteer refund

      • Example: Family has one player, total fees $145. Scholarship covers 100% of fees. Family would not be eligible for any volunteer refund

      • Example: Family has three players, $145 for first, 123.25 for the other two, $391.50 total. Scholarship covers all of the first, and part of the second child’s fee. Family would be eligible for a volunteer refund on the third child’s fee. 

  • Scholarships will not be paid out in cash, they will be applied to the players balance internally in PAA

  • PAA will award a maximum of $600 in scholarships per season. 

  • Scholarship applications will close each season 30 days before registrations close. 

Funding of PAA Scholarship Fund:

  • Initial start up of $3500 from the General Fund

  • Whenever the General Fund exceeds $3600, the overage will be moved to the Scholarship Fund

  • When volunteers complete their refund paperwork, they will be given the following choices:

    • I would like my refund 

    • I would like my refund given back to the sport my child played

    • I would like my refund given to the PAA scholarship fund. 

  • Scholarship fundraisers may be organized



Section A – Organization

  1. There will be three parts to the organization of the Association Government (Refer to Attachment 1). These parts are:

    • The Executive Board

    • The Board of Directors

    • Specified working committees

  2. The Executive Board shall decide on policies and procedures affecting the general management of the Association. The Executive Board shall have the authority to act in the name of and on behalf of the Association membership in any emergency or needful situation which may occur between membership meetings. The Executive Board shall consult with the Board of Directors in all matters regarding the implementation of the individual athletic programs.

  3. The Board of Directors shall primarily be responsible for organization and implementation of the individual sport programs. Each sport must have a Director in order to obtain sponsorship by the Association. The first-hand knowledge of the sporting programs qualify the Directors to advise the Executive Board in matters regarding the implementation of the individual athletic programs.

  4. The working committees are primarily responsible for seeing that certain necessary functions of a successful Association are initiated and maintained. Each working committee shall report to a member of the Executive Board.

Section B – Executive Board
  1. The Executive Board shall; consist of eight (8) members. These shall be:

    • President

    • Vice-President Finance

    • Vice-President Membership

    • Vice-President Athletics

    • Treasurer

    • Secretary

    • Member-at-Large

    • Corresponding Secretary
  2. Each member of the Executive Board shall have one (1) vote regarding the execution of Association business.
  3. Executive Board members are to be elected by the Association membership for
    one (1) year terms.
  4. No two members of the Executive Board shall be from the same family/household.
  5. Any member of the Executive Board may be an assistant coach for any sport or head coach with Executive Board  approval; however, they cannot be a member of the Board of Directors. 

Section C - Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of a total of six (5) members representing the following sport programs:

    • Baseball

    • Softball

    • Cheerleading

    • Co-ed Basketball

    • Football

  2. Members of the Board of Directors are voting members of the Association government.

  3. The Directors for each sport program are to be elected by the Association membership for one (1) year terms.

  4. The Board of Directors shall report to the Executive Board via the Vice-President Athletics.

  5. Each Director shall have a designated Assistant Director which needs only to be approved by the Executive Board. The Assistant Director shall be knowledgeable of the Directors duties and activities.

  6. If a sport Director vacancy exists, the Executive Board will attempt to fill the vacancy immediately. If the vacancy cannot be filled, sponsorship of the affected sport will be withheld until the Director vacancy is filled. No interim Director will be allowed.

  7. The Basketball Director's term is to be from August to August. The Basketball Cheerleading Director's and Football Cheerleading Director's term is to be from August to August.

Section D - Committees

  1. The working committees for necessary functions shall include:

    • Fund-raising committee

    • Membership committee

    • Rules committee

    • Grievance/Oversight committee

  2. Committee members are non-voting members of the Association government.

  3. Committee members are selected by the appropriate Executive Board member and must be approved by at least four (4) members of the Executive Committee annually.



Section A - Executive Board

  1. The business, property, and affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Board.

  2. The Executive Board shall establish, publish, and implement rules and regulations necessary to promote and conduct the activities of the Association.

  3. The Executive Board shall establish and oversee the operation of the working committees necessary to promote and conduct the activities of the Association.

  4. The Executive Board shall exercise for the Association all powers, duties, and authority vested in or delegated to the Association.

  5. The Executive Board shall keep a complete record of all its acts and corporate affairs.

  6. The Executive Board shall approve the amount of participation fees for sports programs sponsored by the Association.

  7. The Executive Board shall review the annual membership dues amount and recommend changes to the Association membership, if needed.

  8. The Executive Board shall remain cognizant of all coaching activities being sponsored by the Association to ensure that the purpose and objectives stated in Article II are being maintained.

  9. The Executive Board shall approve the Associations "Code of Conduct."

  10. The Executive Board shall prepare and file such Annual Reports as may be required by the State Corporation Commission and the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Such Annual Reports shall be made readily available to the Association membership.

Section B - Officers

    The specific duties of the President shall be:

    1. Preside at all meetings of the Association membership and/or the Executive Board.

    2. Have the general powers and duties of supervision usually vested in the president of a corporation.

    3. Rule on all protests and disputes not resolved by appropriate grievance procedures.

    4. Sign all documents to bind or obligate the Association.

    5. Act as the final authority on the interpretation of Association rules.

    6. Call special meetings as needed to conduct Association business.

    7. Enforce the by-laws.

    8. Have the deciding vote in case of a tie for all Association business which involves a vote.


    The specific duties of the Vice-President Finance shall be:

    1. Conduct the Association's affairs in the absence of the President.

    2. Assist the President in any Association affairs requested by the President.

    3. Act as Chairperson of the Fund Raising Committee to ensure the effectiveness of the of the fund raising activities. This responsibility is the first and foremost responsibility of the Vice-President Finance.

    4. Maintain accurate records of all funds raising activities.


    The specific duties of the Vice-President Membership shall be:

    1. Conduct the Association's affairs in the absence of the President and Vice-President Finance.

    2. Assist the President in any Association affairs requested by the President.

    3. Act as Chairperson of the Membership Committee to ensure the effectiveness of the committee. The Membership Committee shall have the responsibilities of the communications via publications with the Association's membership. The committee shall also function as the Nominating Committee. Since good communications with the Association's membership and the selection of responsible candidates for Association offices are essential to the Association's well-being, the chair position of the Membership Committee is the first and foremost responsibility of the Vice-President Membership.


    The specific duties of the Vice-President Athletics shall be:

    1. Conduct the Association's affairs in the absence of the President, Vice-President Finance, and Vice-President Membership.

    2. Assist the President in any Association affairs requested by the President.

    3. Act as Chairperson of the Rules Committee to ensure the effectiveness of this committee.

    4. Act as coordinator/liaison between the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. In this capacity, the Vice-President Athletics shall report to the Executive Board on any and all significant programs. The Vice-President Athletics shall report any and all potential problems and/or grievances to the Executive Board.

    5. Shall assist any fact finding activities under the direction of the Grievance Committee, as needed.


    The specific duties of the Member At-Large shall be:

    1. Assist the President in any Association affairs requested by the President provided that such activities or affairs do not represent a conflict of interest to the duties of the Member At-Large position. Such a conflict of interest may be declared by either the President or the Member At-Large.

    2. Act as chairperson for the Grievance/Oversight Committee to ensure that a fair, thorough investigation of any and all grievances is performed.

    3. Arrange for an annual independent review of the Association's financial transactions.

    4. Maintain impartial oversight and evaluation of Association affairs and to periodically report to the membership (at meetings or by newsletter) the results of such evaluation.


    The specific duties of the Treasurer shall be:

    1. Receive and deposit in appropriate bank accounts with 48 business hours, as directed by the Executive Board, all monies of the Association.

    2. Disburse all funds for expenditures of the Association.

    3. Maintain proper account of all funds received and disbursed by the Association.

    4. Provide financial statements to the Executive Board at each regularly scheduled meeting.

    5. Make available all books and financial records for audit.

    6. Assure all bills approved by the Executive Board are paid in a timely manner by check only. No cash transactions for disbursements of funds shall be allowed.

    7. Perform other duties relative to the office as may be authorized by the President and/or Executive Board.

    8. Due to minimal funds and high costs associated with a proper tax audit, no formal audit will be done at year end. However, an annual "independent review" of the Association's financial transactions and tax returns will be completed.


    The specific duties of the Secretary shall be:

      a.  Maintain in full the minutes of all meetings of the Association's Executive Board including General Membership meetings.

      b.  Maintain a complete record of all activities and corporate affairs including permanent and legal papers.

      c.  Prepare and send notices or make phone notification to all  Executive Board members and Board of Directors of all scheduled or special meetings.

      d.  Prepare and distribute necessary written correspondence as directed by the President or the Executive Board.  Perform all other duties relative to the      office of Secretary in support of the Association.


    Section C - Directors

    The Board of Directors shall as a unit review and approve by majority the initial rules developed by the Rules Committee. Subsequent revisions and/or additions to these rules shall also be reviewed and approved by majority. The initial "Code of Conduct" and subsequent revisions is to be approved by majority of the Board of Directors, but must also be approved by the Executive Board. The specific duties for each sport Director shall be:

    1. Direct the sport for which the Director is designated with the help and authority of the executive Board, as needed.

    2. Advise and keep the Vice-President Athletics aware of all major activities associated with the subject sport.

    3. Advise and keep the Executive Board Member At-Large aware of any problems involving the subject sport.

    4. Organize teams upon completion of registration.

    5. Locate and solicit volunteer support to obtain qualified Head Coaches for each team. Selection of Head Coaches must be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.

    6. Approve the Assistant Coach selection made by each Head Coach.

    7. Prepare and submit a budget and fund-raising campaign to the Executive Board at least two (2) months prior to the start of practice.

    8. Maintain and keep accurate records of all equipment and uniforms related to the subject sport.

    9. Set up all practice times and locations in conjunction with the appropriate league requirements and restrictions.

    10. Attend monthly meetings of the Executive Board and Board of Directors as needed and required in Article VI section B of the PAA by-laws.

    11. Obtaining an Assistant Director who is capable of handling the Director’s duties in the event of the Director’s absence.

    12. Critique all Head Coaches, in writing, at the end of the coaching season and present the critique to the Executive Board.

    13. Function as the sponsoring league (CBC, CQL, etc.) Voting Representative for the Association or designate a representative.

    14. Funds collected for membership dues or sports registration will be forwarded to the Treasurer for deposit within 30 days of written request.

    Section D - Committees


      The specific duties of this committee shall be:

      1. Plan and conduct fund raising activities on a year round basis. Proceeds from these fund raisers are for the general use of the Association under the direction of the Executive Board.

      2. Review and approve all fund raising campaigns proposed by the individual sport Directors to support their proposed budget.

      3. Oversee the fund raising activities of each sport program to ensure its reasonable effectiveness. Assist as necessary.

      4. Maintain accurate records and accounts of all fund raising activities including contacts and recommendations for future repetition of the activity.

      5. Assist the Vice-President Finance in any Association finance matters as needed.


      The specific duties of this committee shall be:

      1. Maintain accurate records regarding the names, addresses, phone numbers of all family memberships within the Association. This shall involve preparation and maintenance of a comprehensive mailing list for all eligible and current memberships.

      2. Prepare and distribute (via mailing list) a newsletter in order to keep Association members informed of significant issues, events, and dates. The frequency of distribution shall be determined by the Executive Board, but shall be a minimum quarterly.

      3. At the direction of the Executive Board, the committee shall solicit the general membership in order to locate eligible, responsible individuals to hold various offices in the Association and to attempt to obtain by best available efforts at least two.

      4. To inform in advance all potential candidates for Association office of all duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the prospective office.

      5. In the event of an opening on any Association office, the Committee shall, at the direction of the Executive Board, locate a qualified candidate for the open position and present their recommendation to the Executive Board for approval.


      The specific duties of this committee shall be:
      1. Obtain sufficient information to evaluate any and all claims of unfair or inappropriate action by any of the Association’s officers, directors, coaches or any other representative of the Association.

      2. A report of each evaluation performed by this committee will be presented to the Executive Board in writing and shall become a permanent record of Association affairs.

      3. When appropriate, the committee shall recommend to the Executive Board any disciplinary action. Acceptance of the recommended action shall be by majority vote of the Executive Board.

      4. The purview of this committee shall extend to the actions of the participating youths and parents at official Association events including, but not limited to practices, scheduled games, Association and league meetings, etc.

      5. Assist the Member-At-Large in any oversight evaluations deemed necessary.

      6. Evaluate the by-laws of the Association and recommend amendments (at a minimum on an annual basis) for consideration by the general membership of the Association.

      7. Executive Board members and Directors cannot serve on this committee.


      The specific duties of this committee shall be:

      1. Develop and maintain a “Code of Conduct” for all directors, coaches and assistants.

      2. Develop a coaches selection criteria and procedure for each sport activity.

      3. Develop a criteria for team and player selection.

      4. Develop an appropriate “Must Play Rule” for each level of each sport.

      5. At the direction of the Vice-President Athletics, all or part of the Association rules shall be reviewed and modifications proposed to the Board of Directors.



    Section A-Executive Board

    The Executive Board shall meet once a month, at a time and place previously designated by the Executive Board at the previous meeting. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President if the need arises.

    Section B-Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors may attend Executive Board monthly meetings. A director shall be required to attend only when delivering a budget for approval and/or when reasonably requested by the Executive Board. The Board of Directors shall meet as needed separately at a time and place designated by its chairperson (Vice-President Athletics) for the purpose of review and approval of Association rule development and/or changes.

    Section C-Committees

    Committees shall meet as needed at a time and place designated by the chairperson of the committee.

    Section D-General Membership

    A General Membership meeting shall be held each year during the month of January for the purpose of Association elections and presentation of the annual financial report. Changes to the Association by-laws may also be addressed during the General Membership meeting.

    Section E-Activity Meetings

    Three additional membership meetings are to be held. The specific purpose of these meetings is to inform the Association membership regarding the specifics of an upcoming sport activity period. These meetings will be scheduled as needed for proper administration of the sport to include tryouts and fulfilling league requirements. Association business may be conducted at these meetings.



    Section A-Voting Eligibility

    Any active member of the Association at least eighteen (18) years of age may vote, subject to Section B below.

    Section B-Number of Votes

    Each family has only one (1) vote which can be cast during membership meetings for the purpose of conducting Association business.

    Section C-Manner of Voting

    At membership meetings, an active member may vote either in person or by proxy executed in writing on a form designed by the Executive Board. Proxy forms are to be included in appropriate newsletters prior to membership meetings. Proxies shall be valid only for the membership meeting so designated on the approved form.

    Section D-Election of Officers

    1. Election of Association Officers shall be held in December of each year. The newly elected officers shall begin their term on February 1 each year.

    2. Nominations for Association officers shall be presented to the membership by the Membership Committee. Nominations from the floor shall be allowed provided the nominee is present to state acceptance. Documentation of acceptance may be substituted but is subject to the discretion of the President.

    3. Elections shall be by secret ballot. The President shall select two persons from the general membership to tally the election results and provide the results to the President. The President will announce the new slate of officers to the general membership.

    4. Candidates for office received the greatest number of votes shall be considered the winner.


    Rules of Order

    The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the Association on all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.



    Section A-Executive Board Meetings

    1. Four (4 members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for Board members.

    2. A quorum must be present to transact Association business.

    3. In the event a quorum is not present, the meeting will be adjourned and will be rescheduled within the next 30 days unless required business matters dictate a smaller time period. Business may be conducted my mail or telephone.

    Section B-Membership Meetings

    1. The presence of a quorum of members will not be required to transact business at membership meetings.

    2. Business will be conducted at membership meetings according to majority vote of those members so present and those members voting by proxy. The exception is the case of an election where three or more candidates are running for the same office. In this case, refer to Article VII, Section D, Item 4.

    Section C-Approvals

    1. Unless otherwise stated, approval shall be considered granted if majority of the appropriate parties (Executive Board, Board of Directors or Membership) present agree assuming that quorum requirements allow the transaction of business.



    1. Any member of the Association can propose an amendment to these by-laws by submitting such proposed amendment in writing to either the Association President or the Member-At-Large.

    2. All proposed by-laws amendments shall be reviewed by the Grievance/Oversight Committee as part of their duties.

    3. Voting on by-laws amendments can be performed during any membership meeting.

    4. The Executive Board does not have the authority to amend these by-laws on their own initiative.



    1. Any member of the Association can file a grievance by submitting such proposed grievance in writing to either the Association President or the Member-At-Large.

    2. All grievances filed shall be reviewed by the Grievance/Oversight Committee as part of their duties.

    3. A written grievance shall include as much certifiable documentation and information as practical. The complete lack of any “evidence” shall be grounds for dismissal of the claim by the committee.

    4. Grievance shall be ruled on by the Executive Board. Results of such rulings shall be distributed in writing to all parties involved in the grievance claim.

    5. Rulings on grievances shall become part of the Association’s records.


    Code of Conduct for Directors, Coaches and Assistants

    Our Directors, Coaches and Assistants are our associations main contact with our children, therefore, it is of the highest importance that their conduct be exemplary, positive and create an environment of honesty, good sportsmanship and team work. Keeping this in mind, the following guidelines are to be adhered to:

    1. Create a positive playing atmosphere.

    2. Keep the children’s needs first.

    3. Every child that comes to play will play, each sport will have its own “Must Play” rule.

    4. Never discipline a child for their performance, discipline is only for conduct or behavioral problems. Repeated disciplinary problems should be brought to the parent’s attention, and to the Director’s attention.

    5. Any aggressive physical contact or demeaning action towards the players or officials will not be tolerated. If this occurs the Director, Coach or Assistant(s) committing the offense will be asked to appear before the Grievance Committee.

    6. It is the purpose of the Association to promote good sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and honesty. It is the job of the Director, Coaches and Assistants to ensure this is done.

    7. Make every sport and activity a positive, learning and fun experience for all participants.


    Code of Conduct for Players

    1. Players are required to maintain good sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty and a positive playing atmosphere.

    2. Any team player having poor conduct or behavioral problems during practice or game time, may be disciplined as directed by the Coach or Assistant. Any repeated disciplinary problems will be brought to the attention of their parents and the Director.

    3. Any team player making racial or ethnic remarks during any game shall immediately be expelled from the game. In addition, he or she shall sit out an entire game, in uniform, on the sidelines before being allowed to play again. Repeat offenders will be expelled for the remaining portion of the season.

    4. Any team member engaging in extreme aggressive physical contact with another team player or opponent will immediately be dismissed from the game. Any second offense may result in dismissal from the associated sport, as decided upon by the Grievance Committee.


    In the event of Dissolution of PAA

    1. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes with the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or shall be distributed to the local government, for public purposes.

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